I have loved reading your midterm papers! Here are some great quotes from some of you, each shared anonymously here. Hope you enjoy them too!

Student 1. There is power found in the Scriptures. President Packer explained how scriptures bring peace then nourishment and blessings. When we consider how often the Book of Mormon Prophets quoted from Scriptures we can see how important the scriptures were to them. Nephi specifically commands Jacob to record the most precious things. The plates being small were to be filled with the things of importance, pertaining to Christ or revelations or prophesyings. However, both Nephi and Jacob take the time and space to record the words of other prophets. Nephi quotes large passages of Isaiah, asking us to liken them unto us. Elder Perry also shows a wonderful example of the power of the Scriptures as he guides us through the Articles of Faith. We can draw such power from the scriptures. I have often drawn power and peace as I read the second half of the fourth chapter of Second Nephi. I feel the peace and comfort of the Lord as did Nephi. The words become more as I apply them to my life, bringing more to my life than just words on a page.
Student 2. Bonnie L. Oscarson talked about gaining and maintaining our testimonies of the Gospel. She talked about commandments and how we have to first live a commandment in faith, before we can gain a testimony of that commandment. What stood out to me was the part about faith. In the story of Lehi’s family, Nephi and his brethren all receive the same commandments from the Lord. However, only Nephi and Sam gain a testimony of them while Laman and Lemuel never do, even though they obey them too. The key difference is faith. Nephi and Sam acted in faith first, and then were rewarded with a spiritual confirmation of each commandment that they received from their prophet father. Laman and Lemuel wanted to see signs first before they would exercise faith, and even when they did see an angel, because they didn’t have faith, it was impossible for them to gain their own testimonies. Ultimately, we see that Laman and Lemuel fall away because of this lack of faith and testimony.

Student 3. We can be changed and clean from sin only through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I love the fact that every Conference, the General Authorities always lovingly invite everyone to partake of the healing power of the Atonement and to forsake their sins. They do not try to scare us or guilt trip us, however they know the sweetness of forgiveness and want us to partake of it. Elder Scott’s talk was very instructive on this topic. The Book of Mormon is full of references to the Atonement, but I will present one reference which summarizes the overall message from this Conference in regards to the Atonement: “He doeth not anything save it be for the benefit of the world; for he loveth the world, even that he layeth down his own life that he may draw all men unto him. Wherefore, he commandeth none that they shall not partake of his salvation (2 Nephi 26:24). I bear my witness that Jesus is the Savior of the world. He is the Only Begotten Son of God. His Atonement is real and works in our lives as we seek to apply it. This is His Church on the earth today, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Student 4. [My] third principle focuses on the chastity and fidelity of women in the church. Women are a great moral force in the home. In Elder D. Todd Chirstofferson’s talk called “The Moral Force of Women” he says “there is not better setting for rearing the raising generation than the traditional family, where a father and a mother work in harmony to provide for, teach, and nurture their children.” In order to do this, women must live and teach the importance of sexual purity. Heavenly Father “delight[s] in the chastity of women” (Jacob 2:28). Women must teach the importance of chastity before marriage and fidelity in marriage. With the environment we are in now, sexual purity is extremely important. We must not give into the temptation of sexual impurity and pornography. Elder Christofferson says that we are not expected to be perfect, but we need to realize how important our moral authority is in the home and to our (future) children.

Student 5. Elder Robert D. Hales spoke about how conference talks are inspired by the spirit, and that they are not told what to speak about, which means that God speaks to us through the prophets. In 1 Nephi 5, the brass plates are brought to Lehi from Jerusalem. Lehi rejoices in this, because he knows that they contain the prophecies of many prophets of the Lord. I know that by listening to general conference, I hear the words that Heavenly Father wants me to hear, because of revelation to his servants.

Student 6. Another thing that I learned was in the Saturday morning session, by Elder Edward Dube. He talked about the importance of looking ahead of us and believing. Sometimes we may be satisfied by how far we have come and the changes we have made. Many people make drastic changes through the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but that doesn’t mean they should stop. The church itself has grown so much, but we must still look ahead towards the future and believe. We cannot become complacent with where we are at, but continue moving forward. I think this is reflected in the story of Nephi. I often have thought of their travels through the wilderness. Many times it is clear that Laman and Lemuel didn’t want to keep going with the rest of the family, and even wanted to turn back sometimes. Nephi and the rest of the family on the other hand, knew that they still had to go farther, to where the Lord wanted them to go. They showed faith and believed that the Lord would eventually lead them towards the Promised Land. Nephi didn’t look back and decide that they had already sacrificed enough and had gained so much, but he continued forward and even built a ship, so that his family could continue moving forward to where the Lord wanted them to go. We need to continue working and looking ahead and believing. There is much more that we must do to reach Eternal Life.

Student 7. As servants of God who have covenanted to take His name upon us, it is our responsibility and duty to preach the Gospel and share it with our friends and loved ones. Elder Nielsen taught that we must serve with enthusiasm alongside the full-time missionaries. We need to have a game-plan to share the Gospel with our friends. This is similar to the teaching in 2 Nephi 2:8, which says “Wherefore, how great the importance to make these things [the Gospel] known unto the inhabitants of the earth.” The work of the Lord truly is hastening. These are the last days. We need to understand the responsibility upon us to share the Gospel with our friends. This is how we can participate in the work of salvation. As we open our mouths, the Lord will give us power and tell us what to say and do to help our friends come closer to Christ. I know that as we do so, we will be blessed and we will find the great joy described in D&C 18.