Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Week 11: Nov. 17-23, Alma 1-7, Paper Three due, Nov. 25

Greetings! Alright, everyone relax, at this point you might be thinking, "Oh man, another paper! I have enough to do!" Let me give you some guidelines on the paper that should help you stress less.

A little background first. Years ago I was a Teacher's Quorum Adviser. We asked the Sister missionaries to spend an evening with our quorum teaching the boys about missions. One of the boys asked, "So how do you answer questions that you don't know the answer to?" Then one of the sisters simply said something like, "Oh, we always have the answers to questions, we have the Book of Mormon, there is not a question you can't find the answer to in it." Then she put it to the test right then and there, she said to the boys, "What questions do you have you haven't found the answers to?" The boys thought for a moment and then one of them asked a question (I can't remember what the question was), then the sister opened the Book of Mormon and said, "Wow, great question, and I really don't know the answer, but I know the Book of Mormon does." She turned through it's pages and then read a verse, and offered her testimony. She asked the boy who had asked the question, "Did that help?" He replied that yes, it had.

I testify to you there is no question that you can't find the answer to by searching the Book of Mormon.
The answer may not always be found in the words, but the answers are sometimes found in the feelings that come from the Spirit of the Lord as you read. I know this is true!

For your assignment, select a question on your mind, and search Alma 1-7 for the answer. At the end of the week please post your question and how the Spirit of the Lord answered it through your study of Alma 1-7.

That is all, no big paper to turn in, just a post on this site with your question and answer.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

No Assignments Due For This Week

But...if you need to get caught up on previous assignments, this is a good time to get them done!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Week 10: Mosiah 9-29

This week's assignment is easy and straight forward: Please read the material and do the following two things as you read: 
  1. Identify one principle or doctrine from the readings and seek to feel the importance of the principle or doctrine through prayer. Ponder the doctrine or principle you have identified and ask the Lord why you think He is impressing it upon you (see 2 Nephi 32:3, 5). 
  2. Ask the Lord to teach you by the power of the Holy Ghost how He wants you to apply the principle you have identified. What does He want you to do to implement the principle or doctrine? 
When you have done both of those, please report your discoveries in a paragraph right here like usual by November 11. Thanks, and I am excited to read your thoughts!