Monday, November 4, 2013

Week 10: Mosiah 9-29

This week's assignment is easy and straight forward: Please read the material and do the following two things as you read: 
  1. Identify one principle or doctrine from the readings and seek to feel the importance of the principle or doctrine through prayer. Ponder the doctrine or principle you have identified and ask the Lord why you think He is impressing it upon you (see 2 Nephi 32:3, 5). 
  2. Ask the Lord to teach you by the power of the Holy Ghost how He wants you to apply the principle you have identified. What does He want you to do to implement the principle or doctrine? 
When you have done both of those, please report your discoveries in a paragraph right here like usual by November 11. Thanks, and I am excited to read your thoughts! 


  1. 1. Identify one principle or doctrine from the readings and seek to feel the importance of the principle or doctrine through prayer. Ponder the doctrine or principle you have identified and ask the Lord why you think He is impressing it upon you (see 2 Nephi 32:3, 5).
    Mosiah 9: Zeniff was over zealous and went back to get what he wanted. A thought entered into my mind about the importance of patience. If Zeniff was patient he may have made a different better decision. Who knows? Needless to say patience is very important in all aspects of our lives.
    Mosiah 9:12 – Discipline. Why is discipline so important in my life? Because recently I haven’t been so disciplined. This lack of discipline among other things resulted in me losing the spirit and entering a downward spiral of sin. One main factor was my losing of two eternally significant habits: praying and reading the scriptures with pure intent everyday.
    2. Ask the Lord to teach you by the power of the Holy Ghost how He wants you to apply the principle you have identified. What does He want you to do to implement the principle or doctrine?
    The spirit is teaching me to be more disciplined starting from square one. In the past few days I have made sure to feast on the scriptures throughout the day and pray each day like there’s no tomorrow. Because I have chosen to do this the spirit has reentered my life and God is showering blessings upon me. I can’t believe how wonderful it is. I love my Savior so much. Applying the principle of discipline in my life has been so difficult as of late, but yesterday night the enabling power of the Atonement came over me more powerfully than I ever remember and I can’t begin to describe how committed I am to keeping the commandments and being disciplined. Reading the scriptures and praying are my favorite things to do every day now. I have never felt like this before, and I never want it to stop. The path before me seems so full of obstacles. The principle of discipline will help me.

  2. One principle that has been on my mind and heart is that of moral courage, especially with regards to standing as a witness of God and sharing the Gospel. I've thought a lot about this principle, and reading about the prophet Abinadi has increased my understanding. He did what was right, no matter the influences around or how hard the task. I'm reminded of what President Monson once said: "With God on our side, we cannot fail." I believe the Lord is stressing this principle to me because of the recent changes in the world. Religious freedom and those values we hold dear will be challenged. As we face persecution, we must stand up for the truth and be a witness of God. I believe the Lord is preparing me for this.
    I am going to apply this by doing what Elder Scott suggested in general conference a couple years ago: find strength from a memorized scripture, a small packet of light. The scripture I have memorized is Joshua 1:9. I know that as I pray and remember this scripture, I can find strength to do all the things that the Lord wants me to do.

  3. As I read, the principle of repentance came up often. I pondered what Heavenly Father wanted me to do better concerning this principle. Mosiah 26:29-31 reads, ". . . if he confess his sins before thee and me, and repenteth in the sincerity of his heart, him shall ye forgive and I will forgive him also. Yeah, and as often as my people repent will I forgive them their trespasses against me. And ye shall also forgive one another your trespasses . . ." The following chapter describes Alma the Younger's amazing conversion and repentance. It says that all men must be changed. I feel like I can improve my daily repentance by truly seeking to be changed and to make changes. Sometimes it becomes a rote part of my prayers. God desires to forgive us. He desires us to make positive changes. Focusing more every day to repent with sincerity, will help me continue to change and will allow the Atonement to work changes in my life.

  4. I like the reality that Abinidi shows the priests of king Noah. He tells them the basic commandments (the Ten Commandments) and then asks them if they are fulfilling these commandments. And the odd thing is that the priests do know about these commandments, but have just chosen not to heed them. This principle is important for us today. Many people may know what is right and what is wrong, but that doesn't make a difference if you don't act accordingly. We need to be careful to obey once we know. In fact there is a much greater condemnation for those who do know and willfully disregard. We must therefore be careful to learn and then follow the commandments.

  5. I found Mosiah 12:27 particularly interesting. It fits especially well with the lesson you taught today during combined priesthood and relief society. It says,

    "Ye have not applied your hearts to understanding; therefore, ye have not been wise. Therefore, what teach ye this people?"

    In order to teach, we must first have an understanding of the material. The savior had a perfect knowledge of what he taught, thus he is a perfect example for us to model when we teach. When someone takes the time to think through what he intends to convey to others, it benefits him as much as it does for those whom he intends to teach. As well as benefiting him before teaching, it broadens his understanding of the topic, allowing him to receive additional revelation when teaching. They,"learn together." Let us, heed the council of Abinidi and, "apply our hearts to understanding."

  6. 1. Mosiah 12:27 - This scripture stood out to me as I was reading this last week, and Abinadi is chastising the priests of King Noah for not applying the doctrine they were teaching. The priests of King Noah obviously knew very well the Law of Moses, but because they had not applied it, it was simply knowledge. The principle that stood out to me was that if I would have the wisdom of God bless my life, I need to not simply know the Gospel principles, but I need to be more diligent in applying them in my everyday life.

    I know that the Lord is impressing upon me the importance of not simply reading and studying the scriptures, but actually applying them in my life on a daily basis. There is so far that I have to go to reach perfection, and I need to make a more concerted and consistent effort to have meaningful spiritual experiences every day.

  7. Repentance has been a principle I have recently been thinking about a lot. This entry is late because I hadn't received an answer to my prayers until last night and today. Mosiah 26:30 says that the Lord will forgive as often as the people repent. It is hard to remember that no one is perfect, and it doesn't do us any good to punish ourselves for the mistakes we make. If we repent fully, no matter how many times, we will be clean again.

    I know the Lord is impressing on me that I must not give up when it comes to repenting. I know I sometimes feel like I've already asked for forgiveness too many times and that I don't deserve it anymore. But God will forgive as much as I repent. My testimony of the Atonement has grown so much these past few days as my fasting has made my prayers strong. I am grateful for the constant opportunity I have to pray to my Heavenly Father and know that I can be forgiven of my mistakes.

    1. Thanks! And Soba Travo is??? I would like to input credit for your completions of assignments, but not sure who you are.

  8. The doctrine that the Lord emphasized to me as I read through these chapters was kind of broad, but it was of obedience. The obedience that Abinidi showed by risking his life to preach the Gospel, the obedience that the people at the waters of Mormon showed after entering into the covenant of baptism, and the obedience of Alma and the sons of Mosiah after being converted.
    I know that it is important to be obedient and that it is what God asks of us, but sometimes I take lightly the need to be perfectly obedient. Something that stood out to me that was mentioned a few weeks ago in institute is that the hallmark of the prophets is perfect obedience. I feel like the Lord has impressed this upon me because everything that will happen in my life will be dependent on my obedience to the commandments. When I think of this I also think of my patriarchal blessing, because at the end of my blessing it says something like “all of these blessings and more will be given according to your obedience.” The Lord knows my potential and what I am capable of, but I can’t achieve it if I am not obedient to His commandments.
    After talking with the Lord and repenting of my sins, I felt several things that I can do to be more obedient in my life. Interestingly they kind of revolve around being more like a missionary again, not in the sense of going out and preaching, but living my life like I did on the mission. The missionary lifestyle is one that creates a lot of barriers from the evils in the world. When missionaries return to their old lifestyles some of those standards and habits leave and they are unprotected from the “darts” and temptations of Satan. I know that in order to be more obedient in my life I need to limit the chances Satan has to tempt me and turn me away. I need to up my standards on the things that I watch, the things that I hear, the things that I read, the things I do with my time.

  9. As I have read this section I have been really impressed with the powerful witness Abinadi was for Jesus Christ. How his whole sermon was testifying of him and his commandments. His faith to carry on is really impressive. how close he comes in the end, the king want to pardon him but the wicked priests convince him otherwise. But he remains true to the faith. nothing could shake him from his testimony of Jesus Christ. I could all be a little more like Abinadi by really being bold with the truth. having the scriptures written apon my heart and never denying the divinity of the Lord.
