Monday, August 26, 2013

Week 2: Aug. 25-31, 1 Nephi 6-15, Weekly Post Due NLT the 31th

Dear Brothers & Sisters,
Thank you for your posts for week 1. If you have not already posted for week 1, take care of it quickly so you do not fall behind.

For week 2, as you can see from the header, your post should come from your studies of 1 Nephi 6-15 and follow a similar pattern as your week 1 post:

  • What principle did you learn?
  • Why do you think the principle is important to you?
  • How do you intend to apply it?
  • Share your testimony of the principle.
Elder Richard G. Scott taught, "Principles are concentrated truth, packaged for application to a wide variety of circumstances. A true principle makes decisions clear even under the most confusing and compelling circumstances" (Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge, Ensign, Nov. 1993, 86). 

Looking forward to your posts for week 2. 

Thanks, Bro Palmer

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Week 1 Post Requirement

Brothers & Sisters,
This week you should be covering the Title Page through 1 Nephi 5. Following the example from the syllabus, but done in your way, what did you learn this week from the Title Page through 1 Nephi 5? Looking forward to reading your posts. Although not a requirement, please feel free to respond to each other's posts in appropriate ways.
Brother Palmer

Monday, August 19, 2013

Welcome to the Colorado Springs Institute of Religion Independent Study Course

Religion 121: The Book of Mormon Independent Study Course
Instructor: Bro. Palmer

Brothers & Sisters,
Welcome to the Book of Mormon independent study course! We will cover the Title Page of the Book of Mormon through Alma 29. Here are the expectations:
  • READ: Each student will read the text for the course (Title Page-Alma 29) this semester.
  • POST: Each student will post something from what they have studied from the weekly readings on the blog site (this weekly. I would like you to reference a passage or verse, explain the principle in the verse, share why it is meaningful to you, and to testify the principle the verse teaches. Failure to post weekly, beginning this week (Aug. 19) will be marked as an incomplete for the week.
    • Here is an example:
      • "I read Alma 12 today. The part that stood out to me were verses 34-37, where Alma warns four different times against 'harden[ing] your heart.' I think the principle here could be stated as follows: When I harden my heart, I lose the blessings the Lord would otherwise provide for me, such as forgiveness of my sins through the Atonement, and I cannot enter into the 'rest of the Lord.' I think this is meaningful to me because I have some friends who have gone less-active in the Church, and are even thinking of leaving the Church. I love them and want what's best for them. I hope that I can help them. If I choose to be humble, I know the Lord will help my heart to remain soft and perhaps He will give me the words to say or the things to do to help my friends come back to the Church and to all the blessings it provides."  
    • Also, be sure to kindly respond to other students’ posts.
  • TESTS: There will be two online tests for the course, a midterm and a final. No stress, they are both open book; however, you will need to take and pass both tests with at least a 75% to pass the course. I will send you a link with a username and password to take the exams two weeks prior to their due dates. You will be able to take the exam over until you get a passing score up until the exams are no longer available.
    • Midterm: Due by midnight, October 14.
    • Final: Due by midnight, December 9.
  • PAPERS: Each student will complete three papers for the course, as follows:
    • Paper 1: Basic Doctrine Paper. Select a basic doctrine from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and explore the doctrine through the lens of the Book of Mormon. That is, use only the Book of Mormon to explore one of the basic doctrines of the Church in your paper. It is appropriate to insert your feelings, but please try to approach the paper as if you were explaining the doctrine from the Book of Mormon to a non-member friend. Select a basic doctrine from the following:
      •  Godhead
      • Plan of Salvation
      • Atonement of Jesus Christ,
      • Dispensation, Apostasy & Restoration
      • Prophets & Revelation
      • Priesthood & Priesthood Keys
      • Ordinances & Covenants
      • Marriage & Family
      • Commandments This paper is due September 30, submitted to me via email.
    • Paper 2: The Living Prophets Paper. To complete this paper you will need to read and/or listen to General Conference from October 5-6, 2013 and share five different ways the Book of Mormon was used by the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in their talks to teach doctrines and principles. This paper is due October 30, submitted to me via email.
    • Paper 3: Question Paper. Select a question on your mind, almost any question will do. Search the Book of Mormon for the answer to your question. Your paper should consist of 1. Your question and 2. How the Book of Mormon answered your question. This paper is due Nov. 25, submitted to me via email.
    • Hokey, last minute papers are very easy to spot. If I sense you did not actually care to do the assignment well, I will return it to you and you can try again. Each paper should be 2-3 pages, double-spaced.
Weekly Reading Schedules (online posts should come from these readings)
Week 1: Aug. 18-24, Title Page-1 Nephi 5, Weekly Post Due NLT the 24th
Week 2: Aug. 25-31, 1 Nephi 6-15, Weekly Post Due NLT the 31th
Week 3: Sep. 8-14, 1 Nephi 16-22, Weekly Post Due NLT the 14th
Week 4: Sep. 15-21, 2 Nephi 1-16, Weekly Post Due NLT the 21st
Week 5: Sep. 22-28, 2 Nephi 17-27
Week 6: Sep. 29-Oct. 5, 2 Nephi 28-33, Paper One due Sep. 30, Weekly Post Due NLT the 5th
Week 7: Oct. 6-12, Jacob 1-7, Midterm closes Oct. 14. 
Week 8: Oct. 20-26, Enos-Words of Mormon, Weekly Post Due NLT the 26th
Week 9: Oct. 27-Nov. 2, Mosiah 1-8, Paper Two due Oct. 30
Week 10: Nov. 3-9, Mosiah 9-29, Weekly Post Due NLT the 9th
Week 11: Nov. 17-23, Alma 1-7, Paper Three due, Nov. 25
Week 12: Dec. 1-7, Alma 8-16
Week 13: Dec. 8-14, Alma 17-29, Final closes Dec. 9
Seems like a lot, but it really is not. Stay on top of your readings and assignments and you will be just fine! Contact me should you have any questions.