Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Week 1 Post Requirement

Brothers & Sisters,
This week you should be covering the Title Page through 1 Nephi 5. Following the example from the syllabus, but done in your way, what did you learn this week from the Title Page through 1 Nephi 5? Looking forward to reading your posts. Although not a requirement, please feel free to respond to each other's posts in appropriate ways.
Brother Palmer


  1. I read the Testimony of The Prophet Joseph Smith and what stuck out to me most was the level of trust and obedience that the prophet had when it came to translating the plates and doing the Lord's will. I wish that one day I may have that level of obedience and trust, and I'm working hard to get there. I can't even imagine the strength that Joseph Smith had in order to survive the challenges of his calling. Personally, I pray for the strength to get through the daily challenges that I have, so I have the utmost respect and admiration for the prophet.

  2. I have always liked the part in the Testimony of Joseph Smith that says, "(t)hat I should be responsible for them; that if I should let them go carelessly, or through any neglect of mine, I should be cut off; but that if I would use all my endeavors to preserve them, until he, the messenger, should call for them, they should be protected." To me this really shows how God, is going to help us in our lives. Sometimes we may wish that He take the load off of us, or that He take charge, when we are capable of doing so. Joseph Smith had to give everything that he had in order to receive the Lord's help in protecting the plates. I too must strive to do my best and my part in order to receive the help of my Father.

  3. One principle that stood out to me is the importance and impact the Scriptures have on us as individuals and as families and societies. The Spirit told Nephi to kill Laban so that he could obtain the plates. They needed the plates so that they and their descendants did not "dwindle in unbelief." Even though Lehi and Nephi were living the Gospel of Jesus Christ and knew to teach it to their children, the Scriptures were necessary to teach and live God's word. After obtaining the plates, Nephi said "[we] searched them and found that they were desirable; yea, even of great worth unto us, insomuch that we could preserve the commandments of the Lord unto our children" (1Ne 5:21). This principle of searching the scriptures daily and teaching them to your children is very applicable today. Many people fall away from the Church simply because they fail to study the scriptures. It is for this reason that I strive to study the scriptures daily. I can feel the Spirit teach me as I do. Like Nephi later writes, the word of God is like an iron rod that protects us from temptation and falling away from our Heavenly Father.

  4. I think it is interesting how Nephi begins the very first verse with giving credit to his parents. (1 Ne 1:1 "having been born of goodly parents") The very first verse in the book emphasizes the importance of the family, one of the core truths the gospel outlines for us and the Lord puts a lot of emphasis on.I know that families are eternal when grounded on principles of the gospel,and the role of a parent is to teach their children the gospel.

  5. What I found interesting was the manner in which the Lord instructed Nephi through the Spirit as Nephi strove to obey the commandment to get the plates. At first, Nephi acts out of faith in his father’s prophetic calling and is able to convince his brothers of the same. Eventually, after a few failed attempts, the Lord helps them understand that the plates are needed to preserve the language of their people, which gives them courage to try again. And they fail again. Ultimately, the Lord requires Nephi to act in absolute faith, “not knowing beforehand the things which he should do.” Then he finds Laban and is commanded to slay him. When Nephi balks, the Lord then proceeds to enlighten Nephi as to His eternal purposes concerning the plates of brass. It is this inspiration that gives Nephi the eternal perspective and courage to fulfill the commandment to slay Laban. So often the Lord works with us in the same way. He gives us a hard commandment to obey, and it is only when we act in faith that the Lord reveals His true purpose for it and gives us the eternal perspective necessary to obey.

  6. I love how Nephi shows us the 'Tender Mercies' of the Lord. How often do I experience a tender mercy and not even notice? I really try to think about the small things that went well in the day and recognize the hand of the Lord. He really is a big part of my life and I love it when I am able to notice it. Sometimes however things do not appear to be a tender mercy. but I do eventually notice that such events do lead to my development. Let us look for a few more Tender Mercies today and we will really see how much the Lord loves us when we notice all he has done!

  7. I love the principle of resourcefulness in order to be obedient that Nephi demonstrates. He was tasked with obtaining the brass plates, something that he had no idea how to do. But in order to be obedient, he tries and keeps trying. On the second attempt he shows that he values being obedient more than riches, which in itself is a resourceful method. But it was in the third attempt that he 'was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand whither he should go.' This is akin to 'winging it' but with the influence of the Spirit guiding him, which led him to kill Laban, something he had never even imagined doing. But prompted by the Spirit, he did what was necessary in order to be obedient. The principle of obedience shows up time and time again in the account of Nephi. He is a great role model for us today.
