Monday, December 2, 2013

Week 12: Alma 8-16

We are just about done with the semester, Brothers & Sisters! This week please read Alma 8-16, and I would like to invite you to do three things while you are reading it:
  1. Alma 8:16 says "Alma labored much in the spirit, wrestling with God in mighty prayer, that he would pour out his Spirit upon the people who were in the city; that he would also grant that he might baptize them unto repentance." Please wrestle with God in prayer that He would show you who is ready to receive the gospel message;
  2. Enjoy reading these chapters, keeping your hearts and minds open to the impressions Heavenly Fathers sends you about who you might share the gospel with; and,
  3. Report your experiences right here on the blog page.
Thanks! I will put up your final for you to take this week. No stress, you will pass it!


  1. Hey Bro Palmer it's Austin and Bill,

    We enjoyed reading in Alma this week. I (Austin), especially enjoyed Alma and Amulek's confrontation with Zeezrom. I was amazed at Amulek's faith. He admits that he recently was not as familiar with the gospel as he should have been but he is so full of the spirit in speaking to the people and to Zeezrom. I think a lot of people can relate with Amulek, and we can all strive to be like him.

    -Austin and Bill in China

  2. In conjunction with your assignment from last week's institute class, I was praying to have an opportunity to explain, share and testify of an Article of Faith with someone. While I haven't had this specific experience yet, God gave me the opportunity to share in another way. A girl in one of my classes was preparing to lead Bible study and asked for my help. When I agreed and suggested some passages, she said, "I can't believe some people don't think Mormons are Christians." Anyway, I studied the topic a little later and was able to share several scriptures and my testimony about the plan of salvation and the Atonement. I'm grateful that God answered my prayers and lets me share the Gospel in non-threatening ways in the Academy environment.

  3. Recently I have been pondering who, among all the people that I associate with, is prepared for the Gospel. I have prayed to know who is prepared, and also for the courage to share with them what they need when I feel prompted to do so. One day at track practice a friend of mine came up to me and asked me about modesty, and what Mormons think about it. She had seen some information about it, so she decided to come and ask me. We had a nice conversation not only on modesty, but on living chaste lives, and being morally clean. This was a great opportunity for her to feel the spirit teach her the truth, and to be able to invite her to go to church.
