Monday, December 9, 2013

WEEK 13: Final

Your final has arrived! Here is what you need to do:

  1. Pick three principles or doctrines from the Book of Mormon between the Title Page and Alma 29, and write out the principle in one clear and concise statement.
  2. Pick one statement from the October 2013 General Conference which clearly connects with your chosen principle or doctrine.
  3. Take points one and two and go write them in your scriptures.
  4. Post a copy of your principle and statements here on the blog page and you are done.
Here are a couple of examples:

  • 2 Nephi 32:5: Principle: Because I have been baptized and received the Holy Ghost, if I am obedient and worthy, I can receive the promptings of the Holy Ghost to show me the things I should do in my life. Elder M. Russell Ballard simply said, "Heed the promptings of the Spirit" ("Put Your Trust in the Lord," Oct. 2013 Gen Con). 
  • Alma 5:14: Principle: Being born again, then honoring the sacred covenants I have made with God, leads to taking on the image of the countenance of the Savior. Elder Timothy J. Diches of the Seventy said, "The vicissitudes of life hep us fashion an eternal relationship with God--and engrave His image upon our countenance as we yield our hearts to Him" ("Wilt Thou Be Made Whole?" Oct. 2013 Gen Con). 

Monday, December 2, 2013

Week 12: Alma 8-16

We are just about done with the semester, Brothers & Sisters! This week please read Alma 8-16, and I would like to invite you to do three things while you are reading it:
  1. Alma 8:16 says "Alma labored much in the spirit, wrestling with God in mighty prayer, that he would pour out his Spirit upon the people who were in the city; that he would also grant that he might baptize them unto repentance." Please wrestle with God in prayer that He would show you who is ready to receive the gospel message;
  2. Enjoy reading these chapters, keeping your hearts and minds open to the impressions Heavenly Fathers sends you about who you might share the gospel with; and,
  3. Report your experiences right here on the blog page.
Thanks! I will put up your final for you to take this week. No stress, you will pass it!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Week 11: Nov. 17-23, Alma 1-7, Paper Three due, Nov. 25

Greetings! Alright, everyone relax, at this point you might be thinking, "Oh man, another paper! I have enough to do!" Let me give you some guidelines on the paper that should help you stress less.

A little background first. Years ago I was a Teacher's Quorum Adviser. We asked the Sister missionaries to spend an evening with our quorum teaching the boys about missions. One of the boys asked, "So how do you answer questions that you don't know the answer to?" Then one of the sisters simply said something like, "Oh, we always have the answers to questions, we have the Book of Mormon, there is not a question you can't find the answer to in it." Then she put it to the test right then and there, she said to the boys, "What questions do you have you haven't found the answers to?" The boys thought for a moment and then one of them asked a question (I can't remember what the question was), then the sister opened the Book of Mormon and said, "Wow, great question, and I really don't know the answer, but I know the Book of Mormon does." She turned through it's pages and then read a verse, and offered her testimony. She asked the boy who had asked the question, "Did that help?" He replied that yes, it had.

I testify to you there is no question that you can't find the answer to by searching the Book of Mormon.
The answer may not always be found in the words, but the answers are sometimes found in the feelings that come from the Spirit of the Lord as you read. I know this is true!

For your assignment, select a question on your mind, and search Alma 1-7 for the answer. At the end of the week please post your question and how the Spirit of the Lord answered it through your study of Alma 1-7.

That is all, no big paper to turn in, just a post on this site with your question and answer.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

No Assignments Due For This Week

But...if you need to get caught up on previous assignments, this is a good time to get them done!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Week 10: Mosiah 9-29

This week's assignment is easy and straight forward: Please read the material and do the following two things as you read: 
  1. Identify one principle or doctrine from the readings and seek to feel the importance of the principle or doctrine through prayer. Ponder the doctrine or principle you have identified and ask the Lord why you think He is impressing it upon you (see 2 Nephi 32:3, 5). 
  2. Ask the Lord to teach you by the power of the Holy Ghost how He wants you to apply the principle you have identified. What does He want you to do to implement the principle or doctrine? 
When you have done both of those, please report your discoveries in a paragraph right here like usual by November 11. Thanks, and I am excited to read your thoughts! 

Monday, October 28, 2013

Week 9: Oct. 27-Nov. 2, Mosiah 1-8

Alright everyone, this week we were supposed to write a paper connecting your reading for class in the Book of Mormon to General Conference, but we already did that for your midterm.... So, here is the plan for this week: You need to read Mosiah 1-8 and take an online quiz over the material sometime prior to November 5. Directions are below. Oh ya, stop stressing, this is not like one of the quizzes you take at USAFA, but I don't just give you the answers either. Take it easy, the answers will be right in front of you and your scriptures should be too....Yes, this is open book.

Cut & paste "JunoEd/login" into a web browser, and follow the directions below.

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Spencer Baldwin
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Monday, October 21, 2013

Week 8: Oct. 20-26, Enos-Words of Mormon

"My Soul Hungered"
This week please read Enos through the Words of Mormon. May I encourage you to read these passages with patience and slowly. Elder Jeffrey R. Holland encouraged Church Educators to: “Invite [your students] to read more slowly and more carefully and with more questions in mind. Help them to ponder, to examine every word, every scriptural gem. Teach them to hold it up to the light and turn it, look and see what’s reflected and refracted there. For some student, on a given day with a given need, such an examination may unearth a treasure hidden in a field: a pearl of great price; a pearl beyond price.”

Will you slow down a bit in your reading assignment this week please? Search a little deeper the meanings of words or phrases that stand out to you; if there is a short phrase or word that appeals to you, please take some time and ponder over it. What is the Lord trying to tell you? What is He teaching you and helping you to see? What hidden treasure or pearl of great price is He trying to reveal to you?

Your assignment this week, in addition to the reading assignment, is to share a word or phrase that stands out to you and share what the Lord taught you with the rest of us. A short (or long) paragraph posted here will do. I very much look forward to reading your thoughts!

Brethren & Sisters, I want you to know how much I love and appreciate the greatness of your hearts. I have been blessed and edified by the things each of you have shared. Thank you!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Snips from Midterms

I have loved reading your midterm papers! Here are some great quotes from some of you, each shared anonymously here. Hope you enjoy them too!

Student 1. There is power found in the Scriptures. President Packer explained how scriptures bring peace then nourishment and blessings. When we consider how often the Book of Mormon Prophets quoted from Scriptures we can see how important the scriptures were to them. Nephi specifically commands Jacob to record the most precious things. The plates being small were to be filled with the things of importance, pertaining to Christ or revelations or prophesyings. However, both Nephi and Jacob take the time and space to record the words of other prophets. Nephi quotes large passages of Isaiah, asking us to liken them unto us. Elder Perry also shows a wonderful example of the power of the Scriptures as he guides us through the Articles of Faith. We can draw such power from the scriptures. I have often drawn power and peace as I read the second half of the fourth chapter of Second Nephi. I feel the peace and comfort of the Lord as did Nephi. The words become more as I apply them to my life, bringing more to my life than just words on a page.

Student 2. Bonnie L. Oscarson talked about gaining and maintaining our testimonies of the Gospel. She talked about commandments and how we have to first live a commandment in faith, before we can gain a testimony of that commandment. What stood out to me was the part about faith. In the story of Lehi’s family, Nephi and his brethren all receive the same commandments from the Lord. However, only Nephi and Sam gain a testimony of them while Laman and Lemuel never do, even though they obey them too. The key difference is faith. Nephi and Sam acted in faith first, and then were rewarded with a spiritual confirmation of each commandment that they received from their prophet father. Laman and Lemuel wanted to see signs first before they would exercise faith, and even when they did see an angel, because they didn’t have faith, it was impossible for them to gain their own testimonies. Ultimately, we see that Laman and Lemuel fall away because of this lack of faith and testimony.

Student 3. We can be changed and clean from sin only through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I love the fact that every Conference, the General Authorities always lovingly invite everyone to partake of the healing power of the Atonement and to forsake their sins. They do not try to scare us or guilt trip us, however they know the sweetness of forgiveness and want us to partake of it. Elder Scott’s talk was very instructive on this topic. The Book of Mormon is full of references to the Atonement, but I will present one reference which summarizes the overall message from this Conference in regards to the Atonement: “He doeth not anything save it be for the benefit of the world; for he loveth the world, even that he layeth down his own life that he may draw all men unto him. Wherefore, he commandeth none that they shall not partake of his salvation (2 Nephi 26:24). I bear my witness that Jesus is the Savior of the world. He is the Only Begotten Son of God. His Atonement is real and works in our lives as we seek to apply it. This is His Church on the earth today, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Student 4. [My] third principle focuses on the chastity and fidelity of women in the church. Women are a great moral force in the home. In Elder D. Todd Chirstofferson’s talk called “The Moral Force of Women” he says “there is not better setting for rearing the raising generation than the traditional family, where a father and a mother work in harmony to provide for, teach, and nurture their children.” In order to do this, women must live and teach the importance of sexual purity. Heavenly Father “delight[s] in the chastity of women” (Jacob 2:28). Women must teach the importance of chastity before marriage and fidelity in marriage. With the environment we are in now, sexual purity is extremely important. We must not give into the temptation of sexual impurity and pornography. Elder Christofferson says that we are not expected to be perfect, but we need to realize how important our moral authority is in the home and to our (future) children.

Student 5Elder Robert D. Hales spoke about how conference talks are inspired by the spirit, and that they are not told what to speak about, which means that God speaks to us through the prophets. In 1 Nephi 5, the brass plates are brought to Lehi from Jerusalem. Lehi rejoices in this, because he knows that they contain the prophecies of many prophets of the Lord. I know that by listening to general conference, I hear the words that Heavenly Father wants me to hear, because of revelation to his servants.

Student 6. Another thing that I learned was in the Saturday morning session, by Elder Edward Dube.  He talked about the importance of looking ahead of us and believing.  Sometimes we may be satisfied by how far we have come and the changes we have made.  Many people make drastic changes through the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but that doesn’t mean they should stop.  The church itself has grown so much, but we must still look ahead towards the future and believe.  We cannot become complacent with where we are at, but continue moving forward.  I think this is reflected in the story of Nephi.  I often have thought of their travels through the wilderness.  Many times it is clear that Laman and Lemuel didn’t want to keep going with the rest of the family, and even wanted to turn back sometimes.  Nephi and the rest of the family on the other hand, knew that they still had to go farther, to where the Lord wanted them to go.  They showed faith and believed that the Lord would eventually lead them towards the Promised Land.  Nephi didn’t look back and decide that they had already sacrificed enough and had gained so much, but he continued forward and even built a ship, so that his family could continue moving forward to where the Lord wanted them to go.  We need to continue working and looking ahead and believing.  There is much more that we must do to reach Eternal Life. 

Student 7. As servants of God who have covenanted to take His name upon us, it is our responsibility and duty to preach the Gospel and share it with our friends and loved ones. Elder Nielsen taught that we must serve with enthusiasm alongside the full-time missionaries. We need to have a game-plan to share the Gospel with our friends. This is similar to the teaching in 2 Nephi 2:8, which says “Wherefore, how great the importance to make these things [the Gospel] known unto the inhabitants of the earth.” The work of the Lord truly is hastening. These are the last days. We need to understand the responsibility upon us to share the Gospel with our friends. This is how we can participate in the work of salvation. As we open our mouths, the Lord will give us power and tell us what to say and do to help our friends come closer to Christ. I know that as we do so, we will be blessed and we will find the great joy described in D&C 18.


Monday, October 14, 2013

This Week: Oct. 13-19: Midterm Due

Hi! Light week this week, you only have your midterm due today (14 Oct). Next week we will cover Enos through the Words of Mormon.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Week 7: Oct. 6-12, Jacob 1-7, Midterm Due October 14

Hi, everyone! It is midterm time for our class. I hope you have not been too stressed about it. Your midterm this time around will be fairly straight forward and simple. Here is all you need to do:

Review your notes from General Conference, and then review the readings from the Title Page of the Book of Mormon through Jacob 7.
  1. Find three principles from your review that you have found in both places and write a short paper about it. To be clear, I really mean a SHORT paper, i.e., your paper may not exceed one page! That is one paragraph for each principle. So you may want to put your name in the header of the paper rather than the body, that will save you space to amplify your principles.
  2. Email me your paper by October 14. 
Too easy, right? Okay, some of you might struggle a bit with what a principle is..., no problem, Elder Richard G. Scott from the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles will help, he said: “Principles are concentrated truth, packaged for application to a wide variety of circumstances. A true principle makes decisions clear even under the most confusing and compelling circumstances” (“Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge,” Ensign, Nov. 1993).

I doubt any of you are, but for you who might still be perplexed, here is an example:

Principle One: The Lord expects me to be proactive in having and maintaining my testimony. Elder Richard J. Maynes taught that our testimonies get into shape by doing the things that help them to be in shape, not just by watching those with strong testimonies. This brought to my attention the example of Nephi when he and his brothers had either broken their bows or their bows had lost their springs. Rather than sitting around murmuring about it, Nephi made a bow and an arrow, and went to his father and asked where he should go to find food for his family. The Lord expects me to care for my testimony and seek His help to maintain it just as He expected Lehi, Nephi and his brethren to take care of their physical needs in the wilderness, notwithstanding their afflictions.  

I hope that helps! Now get to work and enjoy your midterm, hopefully you enjoy it and it helps you solidify your understanding of principles you heard in General Conference as well as things you have been reading in the Book of Mormon. 

Monday, September 30, 2013

Week 6: 2 Nephi 28-33

This week is pretty light, not that the content of the readings are any lighter, but the amount is a bit lighter. 

As you search 2 Nephi 28-33, will you pay particular attention to how they prepare you for General Conference next weekend?

It would be really great if you waited to post your comments on these chapters until after General Conference, I would like read how you saw connections between 2 Nephi 28-33 and what you heard in General Conference. 

I know your lives are so very busy, but I hope you will find time to simply ponder what the readings for this week are teaching you. What is the Spirit whispering to you? What do you need to do more of in your life? What do you need to do less of or stop completely? Please take a moment and ponder what you are reading, and feel what the Spirit is encouraging you to do. Your moment of pondering may come as you are walking to class, while you are eating, running, swimming or simply looking out the window near where you are studying for class. 

The Savior of the world, Jesus Christ, even found brief moments in time to ponder. After Jesus learned of the
death of His friend (and relative) John the Baptist, the scriptures state, "When Jesus heard of [John's death], he departed thence by ship into a desert place apart...." (Matt. 14:13). A short time later, after feeding the 5,000, the scriptures report, "And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray; and when the evening was come, he was there alone" (Matt. 14:23). 

Please take the time to ponder the things you are studying in the scriptures as well as pondering how they are preparing you to hear from the living prophets and apostles this weekend. 

Monday, September 23, 2013

Week 5: 2 Nephi 17-27 & Basic Doctrines Paper

This week the readings cover 2 Nephi 17-27. 

Good news & bad news: The good news is there is no weekly post due this week...just keep reading. The bad news (which is really not bad news) is that you have the Basic Doctrines paper due next Monday (30 September). No stress, keep it simple!

Here are the guidelines for the Basic Doctrines paper: Select a basic doctrine from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and explore the doctrine through the lens of the Book of Mormon. That is, use only the Book of Mormon to explore one of the basic doctrines of the Church in your paper. It is appropriate to insert your feelings, but please try to approach the paper as if you were explaining the doctrine from the Book of Mormon to a non-member friend. Select a basic doctrine from the following:
    •  Godhead
    • Plan of Salvation
    • Atonement of Jesus Christ
    • Dispensation, Apostasy & Restoration
    • Prophets & Revelation
    • Priesthood & Priesthood Keys
    • Ordinances & Covenants
    • Marriage & Family
    • Commandments
Okay, if you are stressing, stop. The only wrong paper is the paper not completed (unless you decide to write about something else besides what I have asked for...yeash). 

So remember, this paper can be up to three pages, BUT NO MORE, please. All papers should be submitted to me via email ( before Oct. 1. 

Keep it real & stress less.
Bro Palmer

Monday, September 16, 2013

Week Four: 2 Nephi 1-16: Find a Quote This Week!

This week we start 2 Nephi. There are so many things in these chapters, it is difficult to get though them. SO, here is the challenge this week: Rather than sharing your thoughts on something you read, would you please find a quote from a recent General Conference or from a book by one of our Church leaders that helps you better understand or supports a verse in 2 Nephi 1-16? 

As examples and for your edification, here are some notes I keep with verses here & there in 2 Nephi 1-16:

2 Nephi 2:11: Elder Kent F. Richards said, "Opposition is part of Heavenly Father's Plan of Happiness. We all encounter enough to bring us to an awareness of our Father's love and of our need for the Savior's help" ("The Atonement Covers All Pain," Apr. 2011 Gen Con).

2 Nephi 2:27-29: President Boyd K. Packer said," "We are free to choose what we will and pick and choose our acts, but we are not free to choose the consequences" ("These Things I Know," Apr. 2013 Gen Con).

2 Nephi 9:7: Elder M. Russell Ballard said, "The irony of the Atonement is that it is infinite and eternal, yet it is applied individually, one person at a time" ("The Atonement and the Value of One Soul," Apr. 2004 Gen Con).

2 Nephi 9:27: President Henry B. Eyring said, "The purifying [power of the Atonement] can come only to those who have faith enough in Jesus Christ to repent of sin, be cleansed through the ordinance of baptism, and make and keep covenants to obey all His commandments" ("O Ye That Embark," Oct. 2008 Gen Con).

2 Nephi 10:3: The Prophet Joseph Smith said, "This generation is as corrupt as the generation of the Jews that crucified Christ; and if He were here today, and should preach the same doctrine He did then, they would put Him to death" (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, edited by Joseph Fielding Smith, p. 328).

2 Nephi 12:2-3, 5: President Gordon B. Hinckley said, “As I contemplate [the Conference Center], adjacent to the temple, there comes to mind the great prophetic utterance of Isaiah: [see 2 Ne. 12:2-3, 5]. I believe that prophecy applies to the historic and wonderful Salt Lake Temple. But I believe also that it is related to this magnificent hall. For it is from this pulpit that the law of God shall go forth, together with the word and testimony of the Lord” (“This Great Millennial Year,” Oct. 2000, Gen Con).

2 Nephi 13:17-26: Sister Sheri L. Dew said, "Sisters,...No amount of time in front of the mirror will make you as attractive as having the Holy Ghost with you" ("It is Not Good for Man or Woman to be Alone," Oct. 2000 Gen Con). 

2 Nephi 16:2-6: Elder Bruce R. McConkie wrote, "Seraphs are angels who reside in the presence of God, giving continual glory, honor, and adoration to Him...In Hebrew the plural of Seraph is Seraphim.... The fact that these holy beings were shown to [Isaiah] as having wings was simply to symbolize their power, to move, to act, etc. as was the case also in visions others received (D&C 77:4)" (Mormon Doctrine, 2nd Ed., 702-703). 

Monday, September 9, 2013

Week 3 Posts: 1 Nephi 17-22

Dear Brothers & Sisters,
This week your post should come from 1 Nephi 17-22. Nothing out of the usual for this week's post, please simply share an scripture and insight you gleaned as you studied these chapters from the Book of Mormon. Here is a thought, however, to guide your reading: President Ezra Taft Benson said of the authors of the
Book of Mormon, “If they saw our day and chose those things which would be of greatest worth to us, is not that how we should study the Book of Mormon? We should constantly ask ourselves, ‘Why did the Lord inspire Mormon (or Moroni or Alma) to include that in his record? What lesson can I learn from that to help me live in this day and age?’” (in Conference Report, Oct. 1986, 5; or Ensign, Nov. 1986, 6).

Similarly, Elder L. Tom Perry said, "“Each time we read the book we should probably ask ourselves: ‘Why did these writers choose these particular stories or events to include in the record? What value are they for us today?’” (in Conference Report, Oct. 2005, 5; or Ensign, Nov. 2005, 8).

What was written in the Book of Mormon readings from 1 Nephi 17-22 for you this week?

Be sure to keep up in your readings and posts!
Thanks, Bro Palmer

Monday, August 26, 2013

Week 2: Aug. 25-31, 1 Nephi 6-15, Weekly Post Due NLT the 31th

Dear Brothers & Sisters,
Thank you for your posts for week 1. If you have not already posted for week 1, take care of it quickly so you do not fall behind.

For week 2, as you can see from the header, your post should come from your studies of 1 Nephi 6-15 and follow a similar pattern as your week 1 post:

  • What principle did you learn?
  • Why do you think the principle is important to you?
  • How do you intend to apply it?
  • Share your testimony of the principle.
Elder Richard G. Scott taught, "Principles are concentrated truth, packaged for application to a wide variety of circumstances. A true principle makes decisions clear even under the most confusing and compelling circumstances" (Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge, Ensign, Nov. 1993, 86). 

Looking forward to your posts for week 2. 

Thanks, Bro Palmer

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Week 1 Post Requirement

Brothers & Sisters,
This week you should be covering the Title Page through 1 Nephi 5. Following the example from the syllabus, but done in your way, what did you learn this week from the Title Page through 1 Nephi 5? Looking forward to reading your posts. Although not a requirement, please feel free to respond to each other's posts in appropriate ways.
Brother Palmer

Monday, August 19, 2013

Welcome to the Colorado Springs Institute of Religion Independent Study Course

Religion 121: The Book of Mormon Independent Study Course
Instructor: Bro. Palmer

Brothers & Sisters,
Welcome to the Book of Mormon independent study course! We will cover the Title Page of the Book of Mormon through Alma 29. Here are the expectations:
  • READ: Each student will read the text for the course (Title Page-Alma 29) this semester.
  • POST: Each student will post something from what they have studied from the weekly readings on the blog site (this weekly. I would like you to reference a passage or verse, explain the principle in the verse, share why it is meaningful to you, and to testify the principle the verse teaches. Failure to post weekly, beginning this week (Aug. 19) will be marked as an incomplete for the week.
    • Here is an example:
      • "I read Alma 12 today. The part that stood out to me were verses 34-37, where Alma warns four different times against 'harden[ing] your heart.' I think the principle here could be stated as follows: When I harden my heart, I lose the blessings the Lord would otherwise provide for me, such as forgiveness of my sins through the Atonement, and I cannot enter into the 'rest of the Lord.' I think this is meaningful to me because I have some friends who have gone less-active in the Church, and are even thinking of leaving the Church. I love them and want what's best for them. I hope that I can help them. If I choose to be humble, I know the Lord will help my heart to remain soft and perhaps He will give me the words to say or the things to do to help my friends come back to the Church and to all the blessings it provides."  
    • Also, be sure to kindly respond to other students’ posts.
  • TESTS: There will be two online tests for the course, a midterm and a final. No stress, they are both open book; however, you will need to take and pass both tests with at least a 75% to pass the course. I will send you a link with a username and password to take the exams two weeks prior to their due dates. You will be able to take the exam over until you get a passing score up until the exams are no longer available.
    • Midterm: Due by midnight, October 14.
    • Final: Due by midnight, December 9.
  • PAPERS: Each student will complete three papers for the course, as follows:
    • Paper 1: Basic Doctrine Paper. Select a basic doctrine from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and explore the doctrine through the lens of the Book of Mormon. That is, use only the Book of Mormon to explore one of the basic doctrines of the Church in your paper. It is appropriate to insert your feelings, but please try to approach the paper as if you were explaining the doctrine from the Book of Mormon to a non-member friend. Select a basic doctrine from the following:
      •  Godhead
      • Plan of Salvation
      • Atonement of Jesus Christ,
      • Dispensation, Apostasy & Restoration
      • Prophets & Revelation
      • Priesthood & Priesthood Keys
      • Ordinances & Covenants
      • Marriage & Family
      • Commandments This paper is due September 30, submitted to me via email.
    • Paper 2: The Living Prophets Paper. To complete this paper you will need to read and/or listen to General Conference from October 5-6, 2013 and share five different ways the Book of Mormon was used by the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in their talks to teach doctrines and principles. This paper is due October 30, submitted to me via email.
    • Paper 3: Question Paper. Select a question on your mind, almost any question will do. Search the Book of Mormon for the answer to your question. Your paper should consist of 1. Your question and 2. How the Book of Mormon answered your question. This paper is due Nov. 25, submitted to me via email.
    • Hokey, last minute papers are very easy to spot. If I sense you did not actually care to do the assignment well, I will return it to you and you can try again. Each paper should be 2-3 pages, double-spaced.
Weekly Reading Schedules (online posts should come from these readings)
Week 1: Aug. 18-24, Title Page-1 Nephi 5, Weekly Post Due NLT the 24th
Week 2: Aug. 25-31, 1 Nephi 6-15, Weekly Post Due NLT the 31th
Week 3: Sep. 8-14, 1 Nephi 16-22, Weekly Post Due NLT the 14th
Week 4: Sep. 15-21, 2 Nephi 1-16, Weekly Post Due NLT the 21st
Week 5: Sep. 22-28, 2 Nephi 17-27
Week 6: Sep. 29-Oct. 5, 2 Nephi 28-33, Paper One due Sep. 30, Weekly Post Due NLT the 5th
Week 7: Oct. 6-12, Jacob 1-7, Midterm closes Oct. 14. 
Week 8: Oct. 20-26, Enos-Words of Mormon, Weekly Post Due NLT the 26th
Week 9: Oct. 27-Nov. 2, Mosiah 1-8, Paper Two due Oct. 30
Week 10: Nov. 3-9, Mosiah 9-29, Weekly Post Due NLT the 9th
Week 11: Nov. 17-23, Alma 1-7, Paper Three due, Nov. 25
Week 12: Dec. 1-7, Alma 8-16
Week 13: Dec. 8-14, Alma 17-29, Final closes Dec. 9
Seems like a lot, but it really is not. Stay on top of your readings and assignments and you will be just fine! Contact me should you have any questions.